Friday, May 25, 2012

Tentatively calling this official..... (and a playground NSV)

I am a little nervous, as if I don't quite believe it, but I am ready to say that I am officially down 20 pounds since last fall!

I was weighing in at a little over 147 in the early fall, started to track calories mid-fall, got into a gym in February, and went paleo in April....

All of the above leading to a 20 pound weight loss!! I am pretty consistently seeing 127 - 128 on the scale. This morning was 127.2 :D :D :D :D

I have never been below 130. Last time I saw 130 I must have been a freshman in high school or even younger (I would NEVER weigh myself then, haha). I am super happy, feeling like a new person. I love that in these 127 pounds are MUSCLE... I am starting to get pretty ripped and I love it.

NSV: I went to the park with my dog, it was drizzling and there was no one around, so I let him off leash. He was running around, playing (he weirdly love to go down slides), and I decided to fool around too. I went to the monkey bars, which I never ever could do as a child OR an adult. AND I DID THEM. Hand over hand, crossed to the other side :D That was amazing. Working on my pull ups and chin ups at the gym is paying off, for sure.

Another NSV: my waist is down to 28 inches from 30 inches at the beginning of the year!

Mmmmmm... I am contented.

Going to be quiet this weekend on this blog: I am doing trail work in the Adirondacks on Saturday and heading up to Chris' family's camp Sunday and Monday (with very little internet). I am slightly nervous about eating, but I am going to prep what I can today and stay consistent! No morning bagels or donuts this time :D

Hoping everyone is going to enjoy their long weekend!

Namaste :)


  1. Good for you , Jeanette! That's quite an accomplishment. And don't we love those NSV's?? Have a good weekend. Stay strong!

  2. Seriously, you are my Paleo-Hiking hero!!!

    Congrats on the 20lb loss and all of your awesome NSV's!!
