Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Best item to wear in the intense heat? Sarongs!!

I am putting on sunscreen constantly but still ending up with a pretty intense tan this year!

Look at all the awesome ways to wear a saraong :D

You would never have caught me wearing a tiny, flimsy piece of wrap around fabric even 20 pounds ago.

Reminded me of when I'd wear huge tshirts and long pants in the summer when I was obese- thinking I was hiding >.< So wrong! I wish I had worried about myself and my comfort a little more back then and to hell with what people thought!

I also brought Koda to the fountain in the park so he could cool off :)

Stay cool out there folks!



  1. Gorgeous! And look at those shoulders!!! :)

  2. Great pictures. You look so pretty (and healthy).

  3. Hi Jeanette! Very pretty! My teen daughter says that I should be wearing clothes that show my shoulders off too. As you point out, even 20 pounds ago, no way. I'm still not used to the idea. :D

    :-) Marion
