Sunday, August 12, 2012

My eating on vacation

So I promised to stay pretty paleo on vacation (to myself and to anyone who reads this blog o' mine!).

Two things kept my weight down on the eating front: Eating mostly paleo and not eating out all the time!

I would say I was able to stay about 80% or more paleo for these past two weeks! It wasn't always easy to make the decision to stay more paleo than not. And the times I DID decide to go off paleo, wow, I don't regret a second of it!

We tried not to eat out more than once a day (we bought a lot of prepared salads and things of that nature to eat for breakfast and lunch), so when we did, if I REALLY wanted something and something at least a little special/rare, I would have it.

Examples of some things I ate out non-paleo (and how I tried to be better!):

- Fish tacos (came as two huge soft tacos, I ate only one of the taco shells, ate the insides out of the other)
- A piece of salted rosemary bread at a very nice restaurant
- Four cocktails over the two week period
- 1/3 of the whole wheat wrap on a egg/bacon/avocado/tomato breakfast burrito
- Fresh crab cakes (mmm northwest coast has some good seafood)
- bleu cheese on a grilled peach and bacon appetizer
- a fancy coffee shop dessert
- fresh, hot onion rings at the airport at 11 PM at night (haha!)

Those are all that come to mind at the moment! Every bite was delicious and purposeful, I never just had a cookie at a rest stop that was mediocre or a fast food sandwich because we were on the road. I wanted every thing I cheated with to be fun and special treat!

Those treats were mitigated by the fact that we didn't eat out all the time (so it's not like I cheated for three meals). Some days we backpacked (3 days) so we didn't eat out AT ALL. We prepared a lot, got salads at the Whole Foods in Vancouver when we knew we would be out tourist-ing all day, had lara bars, nuts, bananas, etc. All the usual foods I lean on when I know I will be away from home. Also, we ate a LOT of chocolate, because we really wanted sweets, but bought high quality dark chocolate from the nice stores in the city or just the grocery store.

Even when we went out to eat, I tried to order salads with grilled fish or chicken on top with balsamic dressing -- very paleo, very filling, full of nutrients.

I love that I ate so many veggies on vacation! In the past, it's been a lot of starches on vacation.

So out of town for two weeks total:
      6 alcoholic drinks
      8 or 9 meals out (I can only remember 8 but I think there was one more)
      5 days of purposeful hiking
      25+ miles walked as a tourist (around Vancouver, Squamish, Tofino and Victoria)
      1 pound of body weight lost :D

I am so happy I kept my promise to myself to treat myself well!

Some moments during the vacation, I felt like I was over doing it because I wasn't tracking my food and we had some luxurious meals out (apps, dinner, dessert and cocktails!) which were SO SO SO different from the food I eat at home.

But staying mostly paleo, limiting eating out and being super active.... works!

I will do some posts with pictures and stories of the trip later :D

1 comment:

  1. You are now living proof that staying true to your healthy journey can happen while on vacation. I sing that song all the time along with the rewards of not returning home hating yourself, but mostly feel as if it falls on deaf ears. So many people abandon all reason with the philosophy of, "hey, it's vacation, I can fix it when I get home" never realizing they'll be so disgusted with themselves that it's awful hard to get back in the groove and fix it. I think it's easier to just stay true, don't you?? Congratulations.
