Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Walking and walking

So, I've taken to eating lunch at my desk while I'm working, so that I can have my full half hour lunch break to walk around!

And it has been so beautiful out lately, I can barely believe it (not humid or too hot at all):

So I'm getting a full hour of walks in during the day, at work, not including walking the dog, of course.

I am sticking to the plan I set for myself a month and a half ago when I started work. Lots of vegetables during the day, lots of walking when I can. It's going really well!

just a little check in to let you know that I am sticking to my guns on this one. I'm not going to let the office job give me a flat butt haha :)

Have a great day <3


  1. YAY you! Enjoy that gorgeous weather while you can, huh? ;) (p.s. when the weather sucks, try to find a private empty room, bring your ear buds, and dance!)

  2. I wish the weather were nicer here right now! Supposed to be 99 and HUMID on Friday. UGH!

  3. I eat at my desk and work at the same time, so I take advantage of my lunch hour to get a walk in at the beach near by. So nice to be able to move during the day when you're glued to your desk, right?
