Sunday, February 15, 2015

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow...

No weather is going to prevent me from getting my steps in! Especially when I have an energetic German Shepherd who loves the snow :)

We've been getting out there a lot, especially considering how much snow has been dumped on our city and how extremely cold it has been (around 10°, with lows in the negatives almost every day):

The snow is over Koda's head in places!

But I've been making the effort to stay active - I have also been making sure to get in stretching and yoga in the morning! I've also been challenging myself to remember to do some push-ups every day, to keep my arm strength up :)

But walking is still my main exercise, keeping my steps around 10k as best I can:

Now to get some school work done and, I think, to enjoy a bubble bath <3 <3


  1. Kudos for getting outside. Love the photos!

  2. rock on with your bad selves, weather issues or no! :)

  3. You are amazing getting out into the cold! So great that the dog loves it too.
