Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Weight, recuperation, acceptance

Still trying to get in the swing of things after a crazy, mind-bending, roller coaster of an amazing weekend. Slipping back into normal life is hard. I did read all of your blogs, but could only comment on a few, as my mind is a little wonky-exhausted.

I got a lot done for my life, yesterday. Lots of errands, lots of wedding stuff.

However, I barely drank any water yesterday. Gah.

I also had a weird eating day - banana with sunflower butter when I woke up (at noon, good gracious), a lara bar for a snack, and a sushi roll for dinner. Coffee in there, too.

I weigh 124.4 today.

I am POSITIVE I am holding on to water weight since I didn't drink enough water yesterday (or all weekend). But the alcohol and veering off paleo I did on Saturday surely doesn't help. I'm also breaking out like crazy on my face because I ate/drank a bunch of wheat-based things. Not exactly the look I am going for.

My little calorie counter/fitness/etc app on my phone tells me I can only eat 1050 calories a day if I want to hit my goal at my wedding.



Okay. That's obviously not going to happen.

The plan is to eat more like 1600 calories a day, drink tons of water, and do some serious cardio every day.

I'm still kind of fuzzy and confused, trying to catch up on sleep and whatnot. But I am going to attempt to be as healthy as possible and as accepting of my body as possible.

Bear with my, friends. I feel a little bonkers. Will be further back on track tomorrow :D



  1. Take care of yourself Jeanette (whatever that looks like for you today...water, rest, exercise, fuel, etc). And as always, thanks for your honesty!

  2. Hang tough and move forward. And drink lots of water (with lemon if you can, as that will help with the water retention).
