Saturday, May 30, 2015

Making Good Choices (even when you haven't in a while!)

So it is no secret that for the past three months I've been struggling to make healthy food choices and maintain a good activity level. Of course I've had a good excuse (being pregnant and all) but isn't that how it always starts? You have a good excuse and soon it all spirals out of control until you're not living life in a way which would be ideally healthy for you.

This has happened to me before in my life, situations beyond my control have led to me losing track of my own health and well-being. For far too long.

And the most important thing I've learned, is that those situations are always going to happen, and sometimes you do have to prioritize other things first, but it is vitally important that you're aware of it and make efforts to get back to a good place as soon as possible!

I think I have rounded the corner here- I have more energy and feel generally better and am more able to make better food choices and get a little more active! 

I won't let the bad habits that I've developed over the past few months (eating a lot of bread and getting too muck take-out!) dominate my life. Time to rope back in a few of my better habits :)

This morning I went on a long walk down by the river with a friend of mine (Chris's on a camping trip):

I had the energy and felt really good this morning so I took advantage of it! It really helped that the morning was sunny and beautiful with a pleasant breeze :)

I ate a snack of a date roll with coconut after the walk, then came home to make a nutritious and grain-free lunch (which has been rare for me lately):

So I acknowledge that I had a rough three months and that I had a good reason for it, but those three months don't define me for the rest my life. I still have a goal of being a healthy, happy, fit and energetic mom for my kid! I also want to be a good example, and show that even though you won't always be perfect, you can always make efforts to be who you want to be :)

Feeling good today - I'd say my biggest symptom right now in the second trimester is raging emotions, haha, but I think keeping physically healthy will help my mental state (that was a strategy that worked well for me when my father passed and my world fell apart, I made sure my body had the strength to support me in a tough time).

Off to run some errands - TMI but I need bigger underwear haha :) Such is life!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo! Glad you've rounded a corner. stuff happens, but it doesn't define your "default"...glad you are getting back to your healthy eating default! Yeah those hormones are rough...but you'll get through. Hope you found some cute bigger undies!!
